Damn, this thing is fun: The process is similar to my older photogrammetry tests, in that it uses SFM to create a pointcloud- then you...

Eye Tracking Personalities
A video showing what we discovered when we looked into how different personalities and demographics interact with a visual field test.

of Pointclouds and Spatial Tracking
Lately I've been toying with various ways to rebuild a real environment in a virtual space, and after reading about someone's exploration...

RC planes, Drones and VR flight sims
Things have progressed quite a bit from when I was a kid making paper planes and learning MS flight sim! I still remember sitting in a...

2019 Reel Refresh
It's been a while, and I've been sitting on this reel for long enough. Time to set it free.

Vive golf club mount
About a week ago a workmate of mine discovered The Golf Club VR and has been hopelessly addicted since. He's not even a golfer, so...

NASA Space Apps hackathon - global winners - "Galactic Impact: The solution with the most poten
UPDATE2: Our team has won the global prize in the category of "Galactic Impact", quite a surprise and achievement as this has so far been...

RFM installation docs
RSL might be fairly stable and straightforward (well, maybe) once you get it going, but getting that to happen with Renderman For Maya...

CMI-VFX online class
I occasionally produce training content for online distribution, this class concerns Houdini particles and point attribute manipulation....

Medical data in Minecraft
So Minecraft environments are a bunch of voxels right? What if you took volumetric medical data and put it into Minecraft?